Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Type of Industries


Industry implies the transformation of existent mate­rials into something new, into goods that are used as end­products themselves, or are utilised to manufacture more goods. Industrial development has become vital for eco­nomic progress.

Primary industry comprises the first processing of raw materials. The production of metal from mineral ores, the production of power from coal and oil or the processing of agricultural commodities to form foodstuffs or industrial raw materials are all examples of primary industry.

Under secondary industries come a wide range of operations, of varying complexity. They include all repro­cessing of partially manufactured goods to make more complex products, e.g., the use of cloth in clothing, the use of metal parts in the manufacture of machinery.

Tertiary industry cannot be considered a branch of manufacturing at all but comprises the service industries, such as trade, transportation, commerce, entertainment, personal service, tourism, administration and so on.

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